It’s a two step process to participate in a round.
1. Register, to put your name on the Points Table.
2. Submit, to put points next to your name on the Points Table.

Vigyap’s League includes Five Rounds of Challenges.

Each round is shaped with the help of teachers and friends, to help us improve our craft while also having fun doing it.
The difficulty level of each round increases in ascending order.
You can use the League to gain confidence, to show off or just as a way out of your creative block.

Paperboat x ipl

Paper Boat is looking to make some advertising content around IPL and associate it with Nostalgia. It’s main aim to attract young adults who love IPL to try Paper Boat Drinks. The brand wants to be part of the conversation around IPL.

You are PaperBoat’s creative head of communications. You just have to make an Idea Deck by filling the given slides with your marketing/advertising idea(s).


Your entry will be considered only if you have registered your name into the points table.

If you have registered as a team and won, all the members will get full points and would move ahead in the points table individually.

You can submit one PDF as your Idea Deck entry.

The entries would be judged based on:
• Presentation
Brand Relevance

Obviously, avoid obscene language.


5rd October – Last Date to Register
12th October
– Last Date to Submit
19th August
Winners for Round 2 Announced


The top three positions would be awarded
Official Certificates.

The Winner of the League would be awarded a

Along with loads of validation, which can be
converted into confidence, anytime, anywhere.


Every round will have three winners.
Each round’s entries would be judged by a panel consisting of teachers and a guest from the industry.

The following are the points awarded to the winners of each round.

Participation – 5 Points

Round 1
Max 10 Points
Round 2
Max 25 Points
Round 3
Max 25 Points
Round 4
Max 25 Points
Round 5
Max 30 Points


I have been abandoned. I am devoid of creativity and talent. I have not received any care or attention in the past 5 months and I can’t help myself get better. I need you to help me grow. Oh that’s right, you must’ve forgotten I exist.
It’s me, your portfolio.

I’m gonna tell you why you should care about this. Because if you don’t, the joke’s on you. Research says, you need me more than I need you. Hope I got your attention through my dramatic monologue in the beginning because I thrive on attention from you, but also compliments from your future employers.

So that, is why you should care.